Austin C. Staley

Nelson Mickley
March 18, 2024
Joey Gasser
July 2, 2024

12/21/04 – 4/13/21

We all have a purpose in this world, a reason for our time and place in the universe.

There are certain people, though – ones who have a very special place in your heart.

The ones you will never forget and can’t thank God enough for being a part of your life.

Austin was one of those rare people – a kind, loving person; always looking out for those who needed cheering up; who needed a smile; who needed a hug…or at the very least a “how-you-doin’?”

Memorial submitted by: Sallee Miller

1 Comment

  1. Hannah Hatfield says:

    I can’t express enough how grateful I am to have even said I was friends with Austin. He was the type of friend who’s heart was so full of love that he would walk into class and his smile would turn the classroom into the most happiest and safe place you could be. I remember giving him candy and he was so happy. And how we would play battleship on imessage games together. I can’t thank God enough for bringing such an angel into not only my life but so many others. I can’t say I don’t miss you. I do every single day. But you push me every day to be a warrior like you. You push me to smile. You push me to care more. And you especially pushed me to believe there are people out there who can change someone’s life forever. Because Austin…being friends with you is and always will be the greatest gift ever.

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